Sunday, October 18, 2009

Rome and Greece Photos!

gelato at golitti, BEST in italy!

the Appian Way

sitting on the Appian way

Azzurra and I standing on one of the oldest roads in the world, outside of her grandfathers house

us at the Orsini ball at Villa Medici

the beautiful Villa Medici

my favorite photo of the night

standing on the roof looking at the property at Azzurra's grandfather's house

the only touristy monument we saw, the Pantheon

finally in Greece at the Parthenon

Claire, Azzurra, and I

Zu, Scott, and I out in Athens

the ancient city of Corinth

climbing to the top of Acrocorinth

still climbing...


almost there...

we made it!!!! Kappa :)


easily goes on the list of one of the hardest hikes of my life....VERY HIGH an VERY STEEP in the WRONG shoes

We're going to the islands, we're going to the islands!!!! SO in my element now!


soooo excited!

LOTS of landscape shots because it was incredible

my favorite island, Hydros

 big deal :)

emily, claire, and I

lunch by the sea!

island two, Poros

this is greece.

just taking a walking break

island three, Aegina....famous for pistacios

We, Pepperdinians missed the ocean!

the famous pistacios.....i got the carmel and sesame kind :)

bye bye day ever!

Delphi, thousands of feet on a mountain

it wasn't snowing, it was just the altitude

our last night out in Athens, at Why Sleep, our favorite spot!

Lobster for our final lunch!

hanging out at the sea port before we left for london

Zu in her natural habitat picking grapes at the vineyard

explaining what it's all about to scott

the bridge 300 feet above the Corinthian Canal that one of dearest best friends decided to IDIOTICALLY bungy jump from

here she goes!

look at her dangling down there....


she survived!

standing on the bridge, basically a wind chamber in that canal

 rock :)

CHEERS TO ALL!  Kalispera....good afternoon :)


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