Sunday, October 4, 2009

Guten Tag Y'all!

Hi everybody!

I just returned to London from Munich, Germany where Claire and I met up with our friends from Switzerland and Florence for Oktoberfest!  It was very fun, a giant carnival with thousands and thousands of people all dressed in lederhosen like we were at the German section of Epcot in Disneyworld. Quite a sight if I don't say so myself!

I'm very glad to be back in a country where they speak the King's English, but surprisingly, the entire weeekend went quite effortlessly and I am proud of Claire and I for directing ourselves around town in a country where neither of us knew what anyone was saying.

This week begins midterms and my diet for Greece.  WOOHOO. It should be a blast :)

This friday, Azzurra and I are off to Rome for the weekend and then Sunday we fly to Athens to meet up with the group and spend the week touring as well as going to Delphi and day trips to the islands, including Mykonos! I can't wait!

Love and miss you all!

CHEERS from londontown!


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