Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Final Month of My Youth

"There is a fountain of youth: It is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love.  When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age." -Sophia Loren

Such a thoughtful and truthful quote from a woman whose face is a wax lifeless version of its former self...oh the irony.

Today is October the 27th, exactly one month from my very quickly approaching 20th birthday, AH! Although I have been complaining about turning this horrible age where frivolousness, staying up until four in the morning, and saying whatever I really think is becoming more and more difficult to pass off as a ignorant flaw of adolescence, I have decided to put my foot down! As corny as it sounds "everyone is the age of their heart" and my heart says that I am ageless.

So far, growing up has been fabulous! I love that I can enjoy independent documentaries just as much as a great Disney cartoon.  I love that I went to the National Gallery and fell in love with the works of Titian that are absolutely stunning and that Warhol's stupid Campbell's soup at the Tate Modern is just ridiculous.  I really love that I appreciate going to hear a live jazz band and then go to bed and that I still love to go dancing with my girlfriends. I love that I can listen to Barbra Streisand, Madonna, and Lady Gaga and not be able to decide whom I like the most....okay so Madonna would most likely win out, but you get my point.  Most of all, I've been realizing how much I love my University, that allows me to have "the college experience" where I am a part of a sorority with the most fantastic girls with dreams and ambition and passion and creativity and a school that loves to go to sporting events and tailgate, but at the same time, they give all of us, at least 68% of us, this chance to study in a country where the people, especially the youth, appreciate art, culture, history, politics, all of the things that are often an afterthought at most colleges and universities in America.  I most of all love how much fun it is to be able to live in Los Angeles and London and hopefully, one day, many other fabulous places, but what a wonderful indescribable feeling it is to be back in Memphis (every now and then :) ) I just love the yin and the yang of every aspect of life.  

I don't love growing up, after all, I think I've always been a grown-up, but I love growing into "who I am".  Whatever that actually means it's definitely occurring in my life here.  I am at peace with myself and enjoying the quietness and reflectiveness of my life that I didn't really choose to have last year, but something that I have to choose to embrace here, because there are only 50 other students with me.  I am completely enamored with London and it's people, it's style, it's food, everything.  London is so vibrant and full of life and it is exhilarating and inspiring to be surrounded by all of it! 

Basically, London is the perfect place to spend "the final days of my youth", including a great halloween weekend, a fabulous week in Venice with my two best friends, Chelsea and Azzurra, a wonderful weekend in wine country with my 8 best girlfriends that are abroad, and culminating in my actual birthday, here in London with my mommy :) 

20.....not so scary, in fact, I think I'll be twenty at heart forever because my life could not possibly get more amazing than it is at this exact moment.  I have a loving supportive family, the most sincere, remarkable, thoughtful, loyal, fascinating, and compassionate group of friends, and an energetic and beautiful city to inspire me everyday. 

20 in London, it doesn't get much better than this!

My theme song for the next 30 days: Young Forever by Jay Z

I really do love all of you, in case I don't tell you often enough!


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A Wonderful Week

I had such a wonderful time in Greece, BUT this week I have realized how much I am absolutely am IN LOVE with London! The city is finally getting a crispy wintery feeling to it.  Christmas lights are popping up along the trees in front of museums and window displays at Harrods and Harvey Nichols are becoming more beautiful by the week! CHRISTMAS SEASON is coming. WOOHOO! 

Classes are going very well, I've been writing so many papers and essays, my fingers are falling off writing this blog, but I do enjoy writing over tests, so no complaints from me!  We have been talking about the media and politics in my American People and Politics class, which is confirming my thoughts about my career path.  I am also taking an upper level division class on Media and the Politics that will be VERY difficult because of the teacher, but VERY fun!

Last night, for my english class, we attended our second play entitled Enron. Yep, exactly what you think it's about and it was AMAZING!  It was written by a young women named Lucy Prebble.  It is only her second play, but it has amassed so much critical acclaim that it will be debuting on the West End next year and then come to Broadway the following year.  It is incredibly innovative in the way that she uses all of the characters in a small cast along with the props and the incorporation of the events of the nineties and the beginning of the 2000's, everything was flawless so I can't imagine how well crafted it will be by the time that it arrives Stateside. Look out for it, book your tickets now haha.

I bought a copy of the play text so when I am home, you are happy to borrow it!

I finished my last big paper deadline for two weeks so now I can get back to appreciating the city instead of being holed away in the library.  My sorority sister who is doing her graduate studies in Spain is in town working with the production copy she interns with and we are having dinner tonight.  This is excellent news for two reasons: A) Because I get to see her, yay! B) We don't have to go to group dinner, double yay!

SO as you can tell, out of 10, my happiness level is currently through the roof!! I thought I would share this happiness with all of you in the hopes that it will brighten each of your days!

Other than that, the only news I have is travel news. We have booked our flights for my birthday weekend in Tuscany, YAY! And, after a long discussion, spanning skype chats with people in three countries.....VENICE is our fall break destination. :) I know many of you, (Jenni and my mother) will be very happy with that decision, and although it is going to be cold, I could not be more excited! I have always wanted to go and Azzurra, of course, will make sure our stay is very memorable!

Love to you all! Have a great rest of the week and weekend!


Sunday, October 18, 2009

Rome and Greece Photos!

gelato at golitti, BEST in italy!

the Appian Way

sitting on the Appian way

Azzurra and I standing on one of the oldest roads in the world, outside of her grandfathers house

us at the Orsini ball at Villa Medici

the beautiful Villa Medici

my favorite photo of the night

standing on the roof looking at the property at Azzurra's grandfather's house

the only touristy monument we saw, the Pantheon

finally in Greece at the Parthenon

Claire, Azzurra, and I

Zu, Scott, and I out in Athens

the ancient city of Corinth

climbing to the top of Acrocorinth

still climbing...


almost there...

we made it!!!! Kappa :)


easily goes on the list of one of the hardest hikes of my life....VERY HIGH an VERY STEEP in the WRONG shoes

We're going to the islands, we're going to the islands!!!! SO in my element now!


soooo excited!

LOTS of landscape shots because it was incredible

my favorite island, Hydros

swimming......no big deal :)

emily, claire, and I

lunch by the sea!

island two, Poros

this is greece.

just taking a walking break

island three, Aegina....famous for pistacios

We, Pepperdinians missed the ocean!

the famous pistacios.....i got the carmel and sesame kind :)

bye bye islands....best day ever!

Delphi, thousands of feet on a mountain

it wasn't snowing, it was just the altitude

our last night out in Athens, at Why Sleep, our favorite spot!

Lobster for our final lunch!

hanging out at the sea port before we left for london

Zu in her natural habitat picking grapes at the vineyard

explaining what it's all about to scott

the bridge 300 feet above the Corinthian Canal that one of dearest best friends decided to IDIOTICALLY bungy jump from

here she goes!

look at her dangling down there....


she survived!

standing on the bridge, basically a wind chamber in that canal

Greece........you rock :)

CHEERS TO ALL!  Kalispera....good afternoon :)
