Saturday, February 20, 2010

EGYPT photos

Hi all,
Hope to have a blog up sometime this weekend BUT i honestly cannot tell you when that might be, just stay tuned!
For now...the photos :)

the great pyramids

camel riding through the sahara

my camel's name was Valentino


Sphinx of Memphis, Egypt :)

the Step Pyramids in Memphis, the oldest in all of Egypt

hanging out in memphis

the Nile River

what is known as the Hanging Church

view of the city from the Muhammad Ali Mosque, not the boxer but the pharaoh, who knew?

the outside of the Mosque


providing some bus-time entertainment as i tend to always do

extremely wind-blown, sandstorm was brewing, yuck

Valentino was very subborn and decided to just take a seat and hang out for a while instead of going, so she then had to be pulled for a bit (she was not pleased)

sandy photo of Azzurra, Tim, myself, Britt, and Chamone.

EGYPT was SO cool :)

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