Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Frankly my dears, I'm really excited about Morocco!

Hi gang!

It's been far too long since my last post and I could not be more excited to report that I have been LOVING London this past week and cannot wait for my trip to Morocco this weekend! We have rented a beautiful riad, a small hotel that used to serve as homes, to stay in for the two nights.  I am looking forward to hiking the beautiful Atlas Mountains, exploring the souks (marketplaces), seeing the desert, and soaking in some much needed sunlight by the pool!

With all of that said, there has been so much going on the world recently and the devastating situation that is facing Haiti reminds me how blessed I am not only to be able to travel but to have the bare necessities of life. I also want to mention that one of my very dearest and best friends, Courtney, is having her gall bladder removed due to complications.  She had been in the hospital for 9 days, and I hope everything goes very very well, i'll be praying for her. 

Other than that, school is going very well, I love my economics and my media and politics class, although I am not looking forward at attempting my first data intensive research analysis paper BUT once I invent a fabulous topic I'm sure collecting and testing data won't be too brutal. Also I love my british music class, we are currently talking about everything memphis, because, as she says, we must start where rock n' roll and the blues all began before we can begin to talk about great britain....truer words were never spoken. :)

We leave for morocco friday around noon and will return late sunday night.  Hopefully I will have photos and a few great stories to post monday.  

Love to you all, 

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