Sunday, September 13, 2009

Getting Settled In!

Today Azzurra, Claire, and I have finally been able to settle in.  Luckily, Azzurra was somehow able to get us the best room in the entire house! Room Eleven over looks the beautiful garden and while everyone else is stuck in a room with five other people we are all by ourselves :)  Today we went to BOOTS, which is a combination of Walgreens and Sephora, to buy shampoo, etc.  Then we went to Whole Foods to buy groceries and Whole Foods DELIVERS the food to our "flat" so we do not have to shlep through the streets of London with packs of water and lots of food.  I LOVE IT!

Tomorrow classes start....bum bum. I am taking Humanities, Science as a Way of Knowing, English Modern Drama, American People and Politics, and Equestrian.  I'm very excited about the way they have the classes set up because most of them are a lecture the first class of the week and then we go to museums for further reinforcement of the text the second class of the week.  I am most excited about my English class because we have 8 plays that we are reading and four of them we are going to see the play in a theater here in London! 

This friday we are taking a group fieldtrip to Stonehenge and I am VERY excited for that! So far the weather was been sunny and not too cold although I'm having to get used to the wind.  I hear the rain is on its way and here to stay by the end of the week so I am enjoying the nice weather while I can.

So far the absolute best part of London is going to Harrods food emporium.  Basically think of Willy Wonka's factory but with not only candy but meats and breads, cheeses, and amazing pastries.  It is heaven!  

I miss you all and hopefully this time next sunday I will have some photos to share!  

Things I am discovering about London:
1. Eggplants are called Aubergines
2. Lebanese food is actually pretty good
3. Cupcakes are just as posh here as in L.A. aka Hummingbirds
4. You have to look at the OPPOSITE side of the street when you cross, very confusing
5. When you are going to South Kensington by bus you need to get on the one that says Kensington instead of South Kensington, which makes complete since.


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