Thursday, December 10, 2009


I know I haven't written in a lifetime, however, now that finals are over and my functions and abilities are beginning to return to me, I wanted to leave a quick note about my travel plans for next semester to prepare you each for the many blogs and photos to come! 

I'm back in London on January 10th

Marrakech, Morocco: January 22-24

Cairo, Egypt: February 9-13

Spring Break: Lisbon, Portugal (feb. 26-28); Madrid, Spain (march 1); Amsterdam, Netherlands (march 2-4); Istanbul, Turkey (march 4-7)

Barcelona, Spain: March 19-21 (Chelsea's birthday weekend)

Also, I am planning a trip to Prague, Czech Republic and Switzerland, I just haven't found flights yet.

I will be in memphis on Friday and look forward to seeing each of you at some point over the month!

Happy Holidays! Spread good will and cheer to all!


Monday, November 16, 2009

Montalcino and Florence Photos

Montalcino...i know.

our first dinner and beginning of learning all about wine.

breakfast in the tiny town, so fun

on the drive to stella's vineyard, about ten minutes from the town

at the vineyard, learning about the process

some of the vineyards, about two months after harvest

me, azzurra, and chelsea

Chelsea and I


we found a cool fortress to climb!

Jordann, me, Claire, Azzurra, Chelsie, and Spencer

lunch with everyone!

many many laughs!

beautiful friends!

Chelsea, Claire, Jordann, me, Azzurra, Spencer, Chelsie, Kooper, and Hanna

some of my kappa lovers.

we always find those fdls. 

Spencer, me, Chelsie, Chelsea, and Jordann

the last meal with Stella

finally in Florence!

at a Discotech....azzurra will kill me for this one.

love being together again!

Florence! at the statue where couples "lock" their love onto the gate


Kooper, Claire, Me, Chelsea, Azzurra, and Chelsie

the lucky pig!

chels, zu, and i rubbing its nose for good luck

a great weekend!

"Let us celebrate the occasion with wine and sweet words." - Plautus

I had a fabulous birthday celebration and it's not even my birthday yet!  This weekend, a few of the greatest people you could ever know, accompanied me to Tuscany for a weekend to learn about wine and rekindle the friendship that has been suffering from distance these past few months.  I think we can all agree, we needed this weekend.  
We all met at the train station in Florence and spent the next two hours gushing over one another. Telling stories, laughing, showing off all of our fabulous discoveries, and just relinquishing the reunion that we had waited for all semester long.  Then we arrived in Montalcino to stay with Azzurra's cousin, Stella, who makes wine.  She housed us in her beautiful home, fed us the best food I've had in forever, and shared with us her passion for wine, inspiring all of us to discover our own passions.  
Stella took us to her vineyard and explained to us why she chose to make her wine organically: to maintain the integrity of the soil and of the grape and not force-produce her product. 

The reason this area is known for their wine is because there are over 36 types of soils within the region of Montalcino and the specific grape that makes Brunello, the wine Stella produces, can only thrive in this environment.  They have tried to grow this grape in Napa and in other places within Italy and it never works.  
Also, because of the varieties of the soil, no year is ever identical to another. So cool.

 She said that although the product may be just as good if it is mass produced, there is an energy and a beauty behind allowing nature to create something on its own. Each time it does, something slightly different is created.  It isn't necessarily better or worse, just different.  She emphasized that this is what makes Montalcino and Brunello so special, the uniqueness of each "batch" and each type of grape.  
I think the reason people gravitate toward this region and toward this wine is while the rest of the world continues to mass produce everything, the authentic and unique element continues to disappear.  People desire, long for, and seek out that authenticity because it is so rare. 

Friday night, after having the best pasta of my life, my friends surprised me with early birthday gifts, since most of them will not be in London to celebrate with me.  Very unexpected and so thoughtful of them.  I laughed and cried with each card and gift.  They know me so so well.

We all fell in love with the Montalcino. It's quaint town, beautiful landscape, and passionate people.  I can say with full confidence that Montalcino is by far my favorite destination of this semester.  I connected with the simplicity of the lives of the people there. It reminded me of the south and yet I also connected with the passions that these people had and the purposeful choice of careers and surroundings.  Everything was done with intention.  That is something that I believe I am seeking as I travel and continue my education.   It was very meaningful to find a place that incorporated all of the things that I see as important and be in a place that I felt at home.  I can't express enough gratitude to Azzurra and Stella for sharing this place with us.

After a fabulous day and a half in the Tuscan countryside, we headed to Florence, where Chelsie and Kooper showed us around their city.  We all stayed in the Pepperdine Florence house and it was exciting to see other Pepperdiners that we hadn't seen in so long!  That night, we went dancing until way too late and had a ball just being with each other.  The next morning, before we all left, we went to one of the Florence flea markets and to the oldest Pharmacy in the world. Both were incredible.

This weekend was inspiring, rejuvenating,  and most of all so much fun.  I once again realize how incredibly lucky I am to be surrounded by these girls who inspire me each time I am with them.  Together we are discovering our passions, our joys, and discovering ourselves.  I can't imagine a better group of people to be sharing such an important journey with.  This is what friendship is about and I have the best friends a girl could ask for.  

"But looking back now I feel like our lives changed because they had to, and that the real magic of the pants was in bearing witness to all of this and in somehow holding us together when it felt like nothing would ever be the same again. Some things never would be, but we know now that no matter how far we traveled on our own separate paths, somehow we would always find out way back to each other. And with that, we could get through anything.  Cheerso us. Who we were, and who we are. And who we'll be. And the sisterhood. And this moment, and the rest of our lives. Together and apart." -Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants

This weekend was my last travel weekend. I have three weeks left in London and my mom is coming on the 25th! Get ready to read stories about all of my Christmasy adventures, my actual birthday celebration (along with Azzurra's mother's birthday celebration) and the fabulous things I discover about London.  Afterall, I could stay here for three years and still not do everything that I want to.

Pictures are coming when I get a chance!

Love you all!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Falling in Love with Venice

Happy stress-free Sunday to you all!

Well, may I first say, SO much has happened while I was gone, whew! I feel like I've been on CNN all day long.

Now, on my many tales because I do have quite a few to tell :)

Before I begin, let me recommend that if you want to go to Venice, DO NOT GO IN THE SUMMER.  It will be packed with sweaty tourists and you will never appreciate everything Venice has to offer. Go in the fall, beautiful weather and MUCH more authentic.

I spent wednesday through saturday in Venice.  By far, my favorite destination so far.  I had quite the push to visit Venice, from Azzurra, of course, and from two very close to my heart friends in San Antonio :) I wasn't so sure it would live up to its reputation, but it is one of the most unusual, indescribable, magical places I have ever been.

We arrived wednesday evening and reunited with our best friend Chelsea, who trained in from Switzerland.  After settling in to our hotel, we went to the main square of San Marco and explored the beautiful church.  Then, of course, we got lost wandering through the narrow streets, over bridges, and through alley ways and in the end discovered a cozy restaurant for dinner and topped the night off with the first of many gelattos.

Thursday we woke up and went to meet Azzurra's aunt and cousin at their home on one of the beautiful canals.  We had a fabulous lunch of calamari and risotto at their home and afterwards went to the Guggenheim Museum.

The Guggenheim, is by far, my all time favorite museum I've ever been to.  The Guggenheim in Venice is the private home and collection of Peggy Guggenheim, the illustrious New York socialite famous for her eccentric sunglasses and incredible taste for the beauty of life, whether art, men, cities, everything Peggy surrounded herself with was fabulous.  Definitely someone that I am adding to my inspiration board.  Her house, now museum, sits on the Grand Canale, the main canal of Venice, and is made of beautiful white marble.  Inside, her walls are covered with the most famous abstract art in the world, most notably Picasso, Pollock and my favorite, Kandinsky.  Her garden is also full of sculpture art and covered with ivy from ground to sky.  The entire property is like Alice in Wonderland meets the Secret Garden and I was in heaven.

On one of the walls in her garden there is a giant light sculpture that states:
Changing Place
Changing Time
Changing Thoughts
Changing Future.

I LOVE this.  She was ahead of her time in her ideals and in her lifestyle and I admire her for pushing boundaries and refusing to be anything, but who she was.  Fabulous.

After goofing around in the museum and gift shop, where Azzurra bought Peggy's replicated sunglasses,  we went for a romantic sunset gondola ride, just the three of us, haha.  Aside from some of the most gorgeous pictures of Venice, I learned that Venice is 120 islands on a blue lagoon connected only by bridges.  In the center of Venice, what is known as Old Venice, the canal is a black lagoon, one of very few in the world and it is a mystery how the black and blue lagoons maintain the color.  Interesting, no?

After our gondola ride, we did what we do best: shop.  I bought a traditional Venetian mask and beautiful Venetian glass that is handblown on one of the islands known as Murano, hence Murano glass.
AND, I also found a beautiful pair of Italian leather gloves.  Yay, me!

Friday we went to meet a family friend of Azzurra's family Bepe and his wife Maria.  He gave us a tour of the Palazzo Cini, which belonged to Azzurra's great grandfather and has now been turned into a museum.  There are amazing piece of medieval art throughout the palazzo.  Afterwards, Maria prepared us another fabulous homecooked Italian lunch and they sent us on our way fat and happy!

Afterwards, we stumbled upon something that we were VERY lucky to have found.  Leonardo Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man.  Google it, you'll know what I'm talking about :)  It is only on display ever three years for three months at a time and is never on display in the same city.  The odds that we would be in the same city at a time of its display is incredible and we were in awe!

We then caught a ferry to the San Clemente hotel.  A beautiful 5 star hotel that is on an island about eight minutes from the center of venice and has stunning views of the city at night.  We had bellinis, our favorite, AND they "originate" in Venice, so it was only fitting.  For our last meal we ate by the Academia bridge, the largest in Venice, that is over the Grand Canale.  We stayed up very late just talking about life and what we were discovering about ourselves, who we were becoming, and the direction our lives are taking.  Maybe it was because we were in Venice, or maybe its because we are constantly inspired being in Europe for such an extended period of time, but escaping the "L.A. bubble" has done wonders for each of us.  I believe we have a humanity and dare I say a more adult-like perception of our purpose in life.  We all agree it is the scariest, most fun, fulfilling feeling of our lives.  This is what college is about and should always be about.

Saturday, we woke up late and had a final meal filled with pasta and I of course had my latte, because only Italians can make it so creamy and frothy, yum yum yum!  Then Azzurra and I parted with Chelsea, who hurried off to catch her train and we took our last water bus to the airport.

No cars or bikes, only the motors of the boats and the singing of the gondola men, isolated from the mainland, but so connected to the world, emphasizing the importance of family, food, history, art, preservation: Venice, it is magic.

I leave you with some of the pictures of our time.  They clearly explain the magic better than my words ever could.


Chelsea and I

beautiful church in San Marco square

Palazzo Cini

Beautiful Venetian sunset

the entrance of the Peggy Guggenheim Museum....jealous.

Chelsea and I in front of Peggy's Museum

loving our lives


illegal photo of painting by Pollock.....come on its Pollock when will I have this chance again?

illegal Kandinsky

in the garden

gondola ride! Azzurra was not amused but she was a great friend for going with us :)

Marco Polo lived here....not that great, poor marco

Casanova lived we're talkin

cool reflection photo at the Guggenheim

zu in her ridic "peggy glasses" pretending she isnt on a gondola hehe

looking out from the Rialto bridge.....can you tell all of these photos are DEFINITELY being prepared for framers around the appt next year ;)

San Clemente Hotel having Bellinis

Kappa's will find Fleur de Lis no matter where we are.

our cool masks

beautiful views of Venice from the San Clemente hotel

It rained for a bit, being a Londoner I was prepared.  Being a Swiss girl, Chelsea had a scarf.  Both being fashion forward, we had our rainboots :)

Our last meal in Venice.

See ya Venice!

This Friday, myself, Azzurra, Chelsea, Claire, Chelsie, Spencer, Hanna, Kooper, and Jordann are headed BACK to Italy, this time to Montalcino in Tuscany for my birthday celebration weekend!  I cannot wait!

Your work is to discover your world and then with all your heart give yourself to it.” -Buddha



Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Happy Belated Halloween!

Happy Belated Halloween!

As you can see, I was Madonna and my friends Claire and Azzurra were Lady Gaga and Michael Jackson and our friend Savun was a cat!

Azzurra and I are heade to Venice in the morning for our long weekend! We are meeting up with Chelsea and I cannot wait!

You can all look forward to a lengthy post this weekend when I return!

I hope everyone has a fabulous rest of the weekend!
